28 May 2011


assalammualaikum .

ok blogger , aku nak tnya kenapa
perempuan selalu kene tipu dgn lelaki???

aku ada post benda ni dekat fb , then ada yg mengreply

so blogger apa opinion korg ???
siapa lg kuat menipu??

terserah kepada individu masing-masing

byee .


assalammualaikum .
ok guys malas nk ckp bnyak , nk cerita pasal AKU MATRIKS PERAK(kmpk) tak yah story korg mesti tahu situasi tu and just satu je nk ckp


byee .

22 May 2011


but this week , YES , it is the last .

Assalammualaikum .
poyokan title ignore it ignore it , ok so , mmg ni post yg terlast lah dr aku , sbb after thiskan aku kene continue study , idok le jauh dr romah aku , 15 minit dah sampai , ahahah so , ma aku ckp aku bole balik tiap-tiap minggu tak da lah aku terasa sgtkan , hahah *baru nk pg jauh-jauh , balik-balik situ jugok , ahahah

ok sepanjang aku tak der ni tlg tlg la tgk kn blog aku ni , sian bersawang-sawang, mmmmm aku nk pergi berjuang ni ahahah,
sistah & brath aku selalu doakan korg sukses sukses dlm apa yg korg pilih ,

so ni post dedicate ni ahahah
nad : jga dr nad , jgn bg org buli ko *ahahaha benda satu kolej ngn aku ahahahah
fal : errr ko tak pe ko tau jaga dr dah sekarang ahaha*ipg kl , kt mne ntah
vee : jgn sedih-sedih babe aku syg ko dgn rambut ko , ahahha hope ko happy apa yg ko pilih
zack : zack , ko jgn ler blur sgt , ahahaha aku main-main je , *satu kolej
farah : selamat memakang ikang ye , ahahah *ipg terengganu

yg lain-lain tuu selamat berjuang :)

my boo : jgn sedih-sedih , rezeki ada kt mana2 , iloveyou :')

ok thats all lahh minggu dpt aku bawak cerita baru
*aku bukan apa nerves nk kene orientasi ,

*jgn le kene rope ni time orientasi =='

tlg tgk-tgkkn my boo ye kalo takkk

rope ni aku bg muka kt kome , ahahah


byee .

21 May 2011


assalammualaikum .
feuwww , Alhamdunillah , tgk aku dah berubah sikit kn , before this aku selalu "hello hello hello" sampai ada yg naik mnyampah- kata Islam tak reti bagi salam ke??
sorry ye , aku tak berubah sebab ko tegur aku , *jgn nk perasan , lempang kang...

ok so , back to the title THE MOST SCARED
apa dlm otak korang , HANTU??
nehhhh! salah
mmmmm what i mean is ;

dosa dgn Allah boleh bertaubat,
dosa dgn manusia ???

aku speechless baca benda ni , :|

"Allah akan memaafkan dosa umat manusia kepada-Nya
tetapi tidak jika manusia itu berbuat dosa kepada insan yg lain sehinggalah insan tersebut memaafkan kesalahan tersebut..."

mmmmm , takutkan , aku pun bukanlah baik sgt tp bg siapa yg kenal aku , aku tak kisah korang nk ckp -elehh bajet baik, dia pun buat dosa,
aku faham aku tak layak nk ckp pasal ni , aku buat post ni hanya nk ingatkan diri aku , :)

*aku sekarang sedang mencari identiti aku yg sebenar dan berlawan dgn hasutan si laknatullah

aku harap post aku tidak menyakitkan mana-mana pihak

*aku harap aku dapat sokongan untuk aku berubah

terima kasih :)


hello .
ok , td aku jumpe blog ni dia ajar cara yg simple untuk fb , bkn setakat simple laju pulok tu *MOJ - mak ok je , ahahah
so this os my facebook look like

besau , sesuai untuk sesiapa yg rabun * jokes ahaha

tgk la kemas kn , mmg tade semak2 kt tepi tuu

see , kemas kn

so nk jugak mcm ni?? nk try

selamat menerai
byee .

20 May 2011


hello .
so pg tadi on9 aku tgk kt dashboard aku full dgn post pasal hijab , ada yg tegur artis , ada yg kutuk mengutuk , ada yg gaduh pasal hijab ,
bukan ke sepatutnya kita sbg muslimin and muslimat tunjukkn contoh yg baik bg yg beragama lain , ok lah aku pun takde lah baik sgt tp tp aku agak sedih tgk apa yg jd sekarang , ada yg buat post pasal wanita berhijab hanya mengikut trend, mmmmm ntah la mungkin juga kita sekarang ini adalah manusia akhir zaman , what ever pun , elakkan lah drpd perpecahan ,

"menulis dgn akal fikiran bukan dgn nafsu dan di temani dgn syaitan"

p/s; entri tidak ada kene mengena dgn mana-mana pihak hanya reblog apa yg hati katakan *pfffft

byee .


trutt trutt trutt trutt trutt trutt trutt

me: hello , who's this....
him: chici .........
me: danishh..... danish tga buat ape tuu????
him: anish tgh tgk tom jeee ....
me : hahaha , nish, cha mane???
him : chaca tgah tgk laguuu
me : ape?? chacha tgh buat ape
him : ishhh chici ni pekak betui laa..
me: ==' tak guna anish kate chici pekak ye
him: chici kate tak guna?? nish bg tau mama biar mama bap chici
me: *kfine ,danish tank adik lg??
him: nish tank adik , adik buat cemak je , adik nish chacha je
me: perasan , kamu ler buat semak

ok done , above was my conversation with my nephew , jyeahhh he's only 3y/o and he like to talk , *talkactive =='
chacha is his sedara , but peraan adik dia , bole dia kata adik buat semak saba jela aku
chacha baru je setahun bdn dah rope 3 tahun tak caye???

baca bismillah , ahaha

see i told youuu ,

dah rope 3 tahun ,

ni budak yg 3 tahun tp fizikal mcm setahun ahahah

ada feel nk tampar kn ahahaha

so done
byee .

19 May 2011


hello .

tade benda nk post ,tp nk post jugok *hikhokkk

lagu ni best*dgar la :)

i love youu

byee .

18 May 2011


hello .

i miss you :/

kbai .

17 May 2011


hello .
firstly nk ckp jgn nk ngekek bnyak sgt haa saja nk rewind kehidupan dlm dunia cyber ni , *wtf wtf soo enjoy

gambo first yg aku upload dlm mespes , ==" tahun 2006 , muka form 1 mcm haremm dgn amik gambo dr atehnye , sabooo ada lg lek luu

cewah ni gambor dah clear dah sikit , pakai nokia n79 , clear sikit gambor ,tp still nk amik dr ateh*jgn nk kutuk lebih aku tgk gmbor ni pn aku nk gelak setupid =="

ecece , seronok gelak eyy , mmg setupid gila gambor ni aku tgk pn gelak sorg2 , peace tak tahan mcm sial , ahaha k enough

cececece, hahaha aku penah letak gambo ni kt mespes , pastu ada la org comment , "adoi cakit mate itew awak tumbuk tau"
kfine mmg mcm babi =="

dah tak hingin aku letak banyak2 buat kene gelak je , korang nk gelak lg best ce korg buat pulak , bole aku gelak kt korang ahahah

byee .


hello .

sian belog aku sehari dua ni dia asyik sedeh je , mane taknya , semua entry sedih-sedih je ropenye , sorry i've nothing to say ,

byee .

16 May 2011


hello .

byee .


hello .

ape kene ni yong ??
anak kamu ni tekangkang sane tekangkang sini burok bebenor perangainya,tak semiak teman nengoknye, ank jntan teman kalo die tgknye perempuan rope ni tak sio die melawe tumpang balik sekali , ate mike ni tak boleh ke dduk sopan ?? kalo mike nak teman boleh ngajor kn

*sound weird right this is called perak slang
ramai yg dr perak kalo dah pindah g bandar hilang slang perak,
but not me ok , im proud to be perakian ahaha

byee .


hello .

haah mmg pn belog nk tak lama lg akan dull , sbb aku kn nk future study , kuno lah aku lepas ni , tp nasib baik lah 10 minit dah sampai rumah dr tmpat study haha , mmm bole bawak lappy tp tak nak ahh , bajet nk struggle konon *tak yah nk gelak sgt , hahaha

kbaiii .

15 May 2011


There's nothing I could say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me
All the pain, the tears I cried
Still you never said goodbye and now I know
How far you'd go

I know I let you down but it's not like that now
This time I'll never let you go

I will be all that you want and get myself together
'Cause you keep me from falling apart
All my life, I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day and make everything okay

I thought that I had everything
I didn't know what life could bring
But now I see, honestly
You're the one thing I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe 'cause you're here with me

And if I let you down, I'll turn it all around
'Cause I would never let you go

I will be all that you want and get myself together
'Cause you keep me from falling apart
And all my life, I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day and make everything okay

Without you I can't breathe
I'm not gonna ever, ever let you leave
You're all I got, you're all I want, oh
'Cause without you I don't know what I'd do
I can never, ever live a day without you
Here with me, do you see you're all I need?

And I will be, all that you want and get myself together
'Cause you keep me from falling apart
And all my life, I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day and make everything okay

I will be all that you want and get myself together
'Cause you keep me from falling apart
And all my life, I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day and make everything okay


hello there .
okay so today, infront of my followers and readers i like to make a confession

im sorry sorry sorry to you dear

ok saya mengaku sejak akhir-akhir ni saya selalu ignore awakkn,mmm after this kita tak boleh nk spend time bnyak sbb both of us busy kn , but i really-really hope that we'll forever together,everyday i'd pray for our future ,seriusly , i felt that we're mean together , terima kasih sbb tahan dgn perangai sy yg mmh totally annoyed ,

REMY , i love you , :")

*pssst tgh lwn mata dlm skype , stuped idea from me ,

byee .

13 May 2011


hello everyone
mmmkay , i just wanna share how to take care of our skin ,
actually muka aku pn tak lah cntik sgt , saja nk share *bak kate opah aku sharing is caring
tayah nk ckp bnyak here it goes ;

@kalau dduk rumah elakkan pakai make up ,
@then , elakkan mkn mknan yg berminyak , *sorry peminat pisang goreng ,
@tgn kotor jgn pgg muka *bacteria is everywhere
@ada jerawat jgn nk picit *ikat tgn
@mlm nk tidur mmg wajib cuci muka ,
@kalo muka dah brminyak tu takyah la nk pakai moistrsr

tips dari aku ahaha
gunalah inii :

seriusly very good product ,
a week ko guna mmg dia buang habis ko pnye pimples
but then muka korang mmg perghhh meletop , tak yah guna foundation nk kluar
try arr , 200ml 24 dolar*RM la bangang ,
*dah rope promoter guardian=="

aku tau aku tak cantik , kutuk je laa

byee .


hello .

so guys aku nk straight to the point ,

kenapa perlu JIWA KACAU??
siapa yg kacau??
mcm mana nk avoid dr JIWA KACAU

secara am nya , mmg aku tak paham dgn org yg kata dia tgh JIWA KACAU ..
==" =="

woi kalo jiwa tu dah kaco sgt pg amek wudhuk solat la bro ni tak JIWA KACAU tp on9 fb , siap mngorat lagi .

tada apa yg boleh sembuh kn JIWA KACAU korg tuu melainkn ingt Allah

*maaflah kalo ada yg terasa , aku sebagai manusia hanya mmpu melihat dan reblog apa yg aku rasa
sorry poyo sgt ahaha

aku tahu semua org tak perfect

byee .


hello . *again for today......

ok guys ... recently , we knows that bieber make every girl in this world crazy off him???
because he hansome,
perfect voice...

but for me he is .... so what?? i admire him because baru 16 dah jd millionair , he just singing...

admire is not perfectly for my sentence , i just ... erghhhh ,what ever...
previous, kt fb lahh , ada org comment ckp "ehh you ni mesti beliebers kn"
and i just answered - ==" *what the heck
haha , this post act just nk ckp tak semua perempuan suka justin bieber , mcm aku , aku tak leh masuk sgt dlm stream bieber ni .

* sorry , if i hurt some BELIEBERS those who read this ,

byee .


hello .
so guys , its random post , yesterday , ramai gila mengamuk sbb blogger taleh nk log in , elelele comel je mngamuk pasal blog , suka lettew blog ni ramai org merajuk , *wtf wtf ahahaha , so hari ni blog da sihat , suka lettew blog dah sihat boleh buat luahan perasaan en ennn , cewahhhh .....
so today is 14 may 2o11 , so....


ilovechiuuu, :")

ok done with that , im now currently crazy with one thing , but i not sure about that , it nice and of course it looks like very feminin , do i care????\
wanna know about that, stay tune ...
==" setupid , tak yah la buang masa je , ahaha

gbaiiii .

12 May 2011


hello .

please la , title stuped asshole mcm tu ignore je , so guys mlm ni tak ada bnda nk post just a new smiley la , just now aku borak-borak ngn mmber kt fb *wtf,borak ,forget it so here some smiley for you guy

*oo*- this is called babi mati , nice kn

(______v______) -this is butt , kalo butt you kecik so kecik kn , so do for the big(nad yg ajar)

-,.- -hokey guys yg ni , taik idung terkeluar , yeahh , selalu jd kn

-.,- -yg ni bulu hidung terkeluar , same just comma tu on the right side

(*._____) -ponggong kiri terangkat , AYUU SAID THAT OK

(______*________) -tis is called sedut , *jgn bajet tak penah dgr

what more??/use ur mind lah jellyfish you want it you create i

gbyee .


hello .
ahahaha ignore the title please , jokes only ok , so , let us discuss *cewahhh dah mcm buat study group , ahaha ,practice for matriks nnt hahaha, ok so nk tnye

betoi ka blogger ramai perempuan???

what your opinian guys??
for me , *ni pendpt aku , kalo takde yg sama korg buat lah kt blog korg =="hahaha

first and foremost
perempuankan bnyak mulut .
mcm org tua-tua ckp"mulut mcm bontot ayam , potpetpotpet tak berenti-renti" *tipu tak penah dgr ayt mcm ni kn , ahahatp tak dpt dinafikn jugak ,my sis told me that budak laki kt skola dia pun ,masuk kelas before tu siap beli asam kt KO-OP then mngumpat =="
*time have change us....
so back to the reason , yelah perempuan ni err suka share , benda kecik pun nk share , *aku tau lah sbb aku perempuan , ahahahso tak salah la dia nk share kene kaco ngn bangla ke or what ever kn ,

perempuan lg bnyak dr laki
so ni tayah bnyak ckplah dah tau kn sbb dia apa,no wonder blogger ramai perempuan ahahaha

other ;
perempuan rajin banyak dr laki , ahaha
like always perempuan suka gossip , *aku mengaku ok ,

yg lain tu kome pikior lahh sendiri yeee lepeh tu tempek kt blog kome , senang teman nk bace, ahahaha

ate mmg rase nk melempang tgk muke kt ateh ni , sabo sabo

kbyee .

11 May 2011


hello .
hey , ahaha actually sehari dua ni selalu jugak on9 , and kat fb bnyak sgt update-update , so dalam bnyk tu bkn semuanya best kan , tp aku sgt tertarik , kt LISA SURIHANI yg dia jawab-jawab soalan org tuu , kira mcm VLOG lah kn, comel gila , dia mmg natural beauty right??? tp aku masih tak faham siapa yg tak suka dia tu kn , *forget it , ahaha , k , so.... LISA SURIHANI,i heart youu,

i've finished watch this and i laike it

so, gebaiiiii .


sorry everyone lama gila tak update belog ni,
act nk ckp sekarang ni mmg musim moddy kot , i didnt mean anyone , i mean it myself , seriusly rasa nk baling je lappy ni bila aku dpt tau aku tak dpt upu , *terok sgt ke result aku , kfine *oo* tp bila aku mngamok mngamok , ramai pulak bg smgt *yelah ennn , so aku bole accept la skrg , poyokn ahaha , so sekarg ni aku just tggu nk masuk matriks jelahh , k dahh
byee .

07 May 2011


hello .
mmmkay , aku dah tahu benda ni agak lama la... my kakak told me about it , but aku mcm tak caya , *benda kita suka buat mmg susah nk caya ahahaha

aku buat research dlm internet tanye itu ini , sumpah terkejut gila bila tgk video ,kita kalau tangkap gambar selalu la buat peace-peace kn , rupanya it is the ILLUMINATI , it totally shit yaaa,
selama ni aku tangkap gambar selalulah peace sana peace sini , subahanallah , mmg confirm lah lepas ni aku tak buat da , so you guys please nasihat kt mmber-mmber yg ada buat peace ni ,

its true , the ending of the world is near*meremang bulu roma..

gebaiii .


hello .

mmmkay.....today aku nak share some storylahh , first,smilelahhh korg , apahal nk muram-muram , chill lah...siapa ada masalah apa-apa tu pergilah tgk ANNOYING ORANGE , ahahaha
ok,i have 2 sister, one i called her ALONG*of course she was the first, and another one i called her KAK YA, between two of them aku lebih rapat dgn KAK YA ,but manja dgn ALONG , aahahaha,
ALONG ni seorg yg garang sumpah dia lg garang dr mama aku , ahahaha tp dlm hari ada taman,ececece shy shy cat la katakn ,yg KAK YA ni bole dikata kn sati perangai ngn aku lahh, caya tak rmbut aku suma dia potong, aku tak pernah potong kt amoi-amoi kedai la sbb dorg slalu tak ikut taste aku =="stuped ahaha
so , KAK YA ni jugak la perunding fesyen aku ,dia paling suka gelak mcm pontianak, mmmm nut sekarang... dia dah berhijrah... *ayat tak bole belah, mmmso sekarang aku mmg rasa kehilangan dia sgt2, sumpah aku ckp, even dia balik sebulan sekali aku still rindu dia , dia selalu baking aku bila nk kua date, bila kene bebel ngn mama, ahaha tu yg seronoknya ada kakak, bila ada masalah ngn bf bole cerita dkt dia, fer me kakak is the good listener and super bff , :")
sebak actually ...

ahaha poyo

byee .

06 May 2011


hello .

today, lets talk about TEETH
okay fyi, gigi aku sememangnya buruk ,even aku slalu pg check kt DENTIST pun ,abg DENTIST tu selalu ckp , "gigi awak ni ada sejenis bacteria yg istimewa, bacteria yg berwarna....bla bla bla ," ahahaha so mcm tu la cerita dia , so, yesterday , i went tu scaling*mcm ni kot spelling dia ,cehh tak takut langsung mula...dia suruh duduk kt atas kerusi tu , then dia bg sunglass
sbb takut sakit mata enn , then it start.....wrennng wrengggg wtf sumpah aku terpikir cerita ni ,

siapa yg perbah tgk cerita ni mmg la tahu mcm mana , ahaha seriusly aku ckp sakit gila , tak tipu , rasa mcm korg amik toothpick then jolok-jolok kat gusi , then dokter tu ckp"see bnyak kt bakteria ni ,"aku fine aku kumur ngn air mmg berdarah bnyak lah kn , "adik tahun dpn dtg cuci lg yee"
==" then aku tnya dia ,"dokter org lain takda bacteria ni ke??"then dia ckp "ada dorg lg bnyak sbb bacteria dorg tu kaler putih , so tak nmpak,you bertuah la nmpak ,"
mmmmkayy, so i hope all of you jaga lahh gigi cantik korg tu betul-betul , kalau tak mmmmm sakit la nmpaknya ,

nak gigi mcm ni ,*___*

byee .

05 May 2011


hello .

ShuuHrdn @twitter


Shuuhrdn @formspring

apa ntah motif gamboo ahahahaah

byee .


hello .

heyyyy ,ok siapa suka mkn , aku aku ,ahhaha ofcourse lahh semua suka mkn rite tp siapa suka mkn sneakers, mars,picnic,crunch and kalau aku kat zaman sekolah dulu paling feymes kt ko-op CLOUD 9 ahahaha ,30 cent each , lepas mkn kantin ,selalunya kt kantin makan nasi goreng , telur mata satu, sausage dgn sambal lebihhh, perghhhhh rindu woooo, then lepas tu mmg wajib pergi
ko-op,hahaha bende yg paling wajib kene beli is CLOUD 9
aku pn tak paham kenapa kena beli CLOUD 9 ,tp time tu CLOUD 9 mmg sedap lah kn , ahahaha sekarg main campak kt tepi jln je ,*tak sedor diri ahahaha

rindu zaman sekolah dulu......

byee .


hello .

ok movie ni sgt best , thumbs upppppp , actor dia pun hansome lah kn , bole lah ahahaha
so.... nk tau cerita ni best ke tak aku letak trailer dia ok

kalau rasa-rasa best tu aku letak pulak link nk download, senang cerita korg follow je dia ni

sini sini sini

byee .


hello .

i wanna laugh ahahahaha


byee .


hello .

mmmkaayyyyyyy esk result UPU kluar right , so im here to wish all the best peeps ,
==" poyo nak mampuih ,
nah link nk check,
gudy loki

byee .


hello .

kfine tayah intro bnyak-bnyak , so kali ni ,mmg truly FAKE STATEMENT ahahaha jgn nk percaya..

fake , ahahaha
but lets check this out dia punya belog pulak ahahaha

comel ada elmo , ada doodles alahai best la aku enjot baca belog dia , nk tgk nah;

byee .

04 May 2011


hello .

=. .=
alahai comel je ayat dia kn ,

NAD: aku tak kata ko lahhh , tak da kroje nk kata org lain dlm belog , buat semak je ahaha

byee .


hello .

ececece bangga wooo td aku bukak belog kwn aku , cehhh terjumpe bnda ni , jap ehhh

pffft malu i maluuuu
here she is :)
i love youu syg.....
nk cari dia kt sini

byee .


hello .

sorry follower aku tukor url belog lg hehehe, nnt aku bw korg ok ,

url baru, lebih frienly kepada korang haaaaa .....

byee .